Do you have a ton of cooking gear stacked in the storeroom?
Do you have more pot holders, vegetable peelers, and spatulas than you use?
When did you last use that air fryer?
It is time you say goodbye to the rarely used kitchen items, which only add to the clutter and make your kitchen look like a pawn shop.
For transforming your kitchen along the minimalist theme, you have to start by doing away with some of the clutter so you can easily find the items you use the most.
A good rule is to keep just what you used in the previous year and dispose of the rest.
And it also means rearranging your kitchen tools and food items in the most accessible way possible.
Who wouldn’t like a clutter-free kitchen with essentials only, where you have everything you need and nothing extra?
But do you know where to begin with the transformation process?
Here are some minimalist kitchen items and tips on setting it up.
Minimalist kitchen items list

Related Reading: Kitchen Pantry Dimensions – Read More.
1. Cooking Equipment
- 1 set of tongs: Keep your toughest set which has a good spring. Look for solid tongs that can be cleaned easily and hooked together for storage.
- 1-2 wooden spoons: A solid wooden spoon is an essential item that can be used for stirring anything boiling in the pot.
- 1-2 spatulas: Keep spatulas made of quality material like dishwasher-safe silicone, so they are easy to clean and last longer.
- 1 metal flipper, 1 silicone flipper (optional): A flipper is a flat-bottomed kitchen tool used to turn over anything that needs to be cooked on both sides, such as pancakes and grilled cheese sandwiches. Make sure yours have a sturdy flat end and a thick handle.
- 1 colander: A colander can be used to drain water from vegetables and fruits after washing. This essential item should be present in any minimalist kitchen. The ones made of metal last longer, but the cheaper plastic models are equally good.
- 3 mixing bowls: A set of durable mixing bowls in 3 stacking sizes should be found in most minimalist kitchens. These can be used for baking, mixing minced meat with spices, washing grains, fruits, and vegetables, and preparing salads.
2. Dishes
- Dinner plates: For a family of 4, keep 6 to 8 dinner plates. The extra plates can be used for serving guests, as platters, or as replacements if one breaks.
- Salad plates: Likewise, a family of 4 can use 6 to 8 salad-sized plates for dishing out kid-sized meals, sandwiches, and breakfast dishes.
- Bowls: For every person, you can keep two different-sized bowls. The smaller one can be easily stacked inside the larger one.
- Mugs and cups: Keep one mug and one cup in a constant cycle for every individual. The second set of tumblers should be kept at hand for guests and to supplement any mugs that break.
- Water bottles: An essential but often ignored kitchen item. Consider cutting down on water glasses by handing out a fresh water bottle to every household member that they can directly drink from throughout the day.
3. Pots and Pans
- 1 saucepan: A saucepan has a lot of uses, one of which is cooking and heating sauces. The 1.5-quart size is the standard that is needed in every minimalist kitchen.
- 1-2 frying pans: A frying pan or skillet is necessary. Keep one cast-iron or stainless steel pan and one non-stick pan in the sizes you often use.
- 2 baking sheets: Sheet pans are great for making cookies, roasting vegetables, and more. Two baking sheets are all you would need in your minimalist kitchen.
- 1 pasta pot: Not only can you make pasta in a 6-quart pot, but you can also make stews and soups.
4. Knives
Most of your food preparations can be done by culling your knife collection down to just three – a chef’s knife, a serrated knife, and a paring knife.
Instead of spending money on a large knife set, you better get a minimal set of three quality knives.
5. Cutlery
You do not need more than two spoons, two forks, and one knife per person (and a couple of extra sets for guests or to supplement lost items).
Pack away extra utensils that are not part of daily usage.
This includes serving kitchenware, too, unless dinner events occur several times a month.
Minimalist kitchen management
1. Audit of pantry items
Each month, review the pantry items and discard what is expired or what nobody wants to eat.
Sometimes food is left forgotten in the store, so make sure to put those items in front that should be consumed soon.
Arrange the pantry in such an order that is convenient for the family.
Keep jars of sauce next to pasta packets.
Have a snacks section—stock similar-shaped items, like soda cans, together.
It is better to put bulk items in transparent or reusable containers that are clearly labeled.
2. Refrigerator cleaning
The refrigerator should be cleaned every week before you make a shopping list.
Consider the leftovers and must-eat items and plan daily meals around them.
Cut down the number of condiments and sauces, keeping everyone’s favorites and discarding any jars that are almost finished or that no one likes.
3. Organizing your kitchen countertop
The only items on the kitchen counter should be the ones you use daily and anything that would be troublesome to move around.
Here are some likely examples.
- Spices: Most people don’t need spices in everyday meals, except for salt and pepper. A spice rack on the counter is a neat and smart way to store them.
- Toaster: Some people make and eat toast daily for breakfast, and if this is also the case with you, then keep the toaster handy.
- Crock of cooking tools: Now that you have culled out spatulas and spoons down to the bare minimum, they can all fit inside a crock next to the stove for easy access.
Related Reading: Average Size Of Kitchen Countertop – Click Here To Read More.
Summing it up
A clutter-free kitchen offers greater functionality, making cooking a more enjoyable experience than working in a cluttered environment.
Now that the setup for your minimalist kitchen is complete, you will feel a positive change in your mood during cooking.